A rock cliff near the entrance of the Crocodile Cave which is located behind the boat.

Situated off the Kilim River, Crocodile Cave is unique because it is actually a natural tunnel developed in the limestone by an underground stream that once flowed in this area during the low sea-level. Now the tunnel turns into a beautiful cave. The river flows right through the arched cave and at low tide, a small boat can navigate from one side through to the other.

Inside the cave there is an ascending chamber flanked by walls of limestone with minimal stalactites and stalagmites. Small colonies of bats roost on the ceiling of this cave. One can also observe ancient shells sticking on the wall and roof of this cave.

When looked at certain angles, this cave resembles a look of a crocodile, hence the name of the cave came about. There are no crocodiles to be sighted at this cave.

View from the inside of the cave. Small boats can pass through the cave during low tide as shown in the image.
A colony of bats found roosting on the walls and roof of the cave.
Geosites location map of Kilim Geoforest Park.

List Of Geosites

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